An “intro” to “duction”

So yeah, I’ve been in this small island called Taiwan for more than 2 years now and god, I’ve seen and lived so many things, good and bad, the shock was huge as the second I got out of the airport for the first time, it was hot, my ears were popping, thanks to the airplane and I was very uncomfortable… Continue reading

On 2 wheels in The island!

Riding a bike in Taiwan? I’d have never expected it to be so stressful and full of risks, from the moment when you put the keys in, to the one when you park and turn the thing off, you can never be relieved.

Taiwan roads, to start with, are one of the worst in shape that I’ve ever seen…it’s never flat or when it is, it’s for a short, I’d say really short period of time before you get back on the usual potholes and the, so many, manholes. Continue reading

Does Santa drop by here?

December already, time goes as fast as always and I’m already gonna be at my third Christmas in Taiwan, well it hasn’t been bad I should say…My first Christmas here, on 2005, was alright I guess, I was still discovering the city of Taipei, its nice and cozy western restaurants as well as the tiny little Taiwanese noodle shops and company. Continue reading

A simple Welcome!

Hi there, the idea of starting a blog about my trip to Asia has been in my mind for quite a while…So I just took the step forward and did it, hope you’ll enjoy reading my articles and let me know your point of view by comments, thanks!